Linen Sestrice Carrier

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( 6 reviews )

Linen carriers are the ideal choice for summer days and not only during them.

  • from 3 months (62 cm) to approx. 2 years
  • ShoulderComfort system for your greater comfort
  • firm waist belt with perforated padding for better airing
  • certified according to EN 13209-2: 2015 Baby carriers
  • every detail of the carrier is carefully thought out and crafted with meticulous care
  • online consultation
  • shipping worldwide
  • Free transport and return within the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic
Nosiaci balíček! Kombinujte a ušetrite 30 €. Vyberte si aspoň dva produkty a z každého z nich vám odpočítame zľavu 15€. Na výber máte kombinácie ako NOSIČ + ŠATKA, NOSIČ/ŠATKA + MIKINA, NOSIČ/ŠATKA + KAPSA alebo MIKINA + KAPSA. Ak si zvolíte viac než dva produkty, získate zľavu 15€ na každý z nich a ušetríte ešte viac.


Easy and comfortable adjustment
  • easy adjustment of the back panel width 23 – 41 cm (from 3 months – 62 cm up to 2 years)
  • waist belt circumference adjustment from 62 cm to 127 cm, possibility to extend the circumference by 50 cm
  • detachable hood and shoulder strap protectors
  • Tutorial for setting up the Sestrice Carrier can be found in our video tutorial.
Carrier parameters

The Sestrice Carrier is suitable for children from 3 months (62 cm) to 2 years.

Back panel width 23 – 41 cm
Back panel height 30 – 44 cm
Waist belt circumference 62 – 127 cm
Waist belt solid filling with perforated ventilation
Hood detachable
Shoulder system ShoulderComfort
Breathable waist belt
  • Nearly 200 holes in the waist belt perforated foam filling improves airing during babywearing through the whole year, specially in the summer months
  • this increases your thermal comfort and keeps the waist belt firm enough
ShoulderComfort system
  • the sophisticated ShoulderComfort shoulder strap system consists of complementary components
  • comfortably shaped shoulder straps with rails that distribute the weight evenly
  • magnetic buckle that simplifies fastening and unfastening
Variable shoulder straps protection
  • protective covers with 3 snap fasteners, you can unfasten at any time and the covers can be washed
  • 2 fastening options – cylindrical or conical shape to also protect the top of the back panel
Comfort of the wrap. Practicality of the carrier.
  • ideal combination of yarns and weave for the right softness, elasticity and strength of the fabric
  • compared to other fabrics, this material adapts better to the body of both the baby and the wearer
  • the fabric is flexible and strong enough at the same time to provide softness and comfort in a practical full-buckle carrier form
Original design
  • our own woven fabrics with safety certificate for children up to 3 years
  • original designs and pure minimalism
Highest quality for the little ones
  • tested in an accredited European laboratory for mechanical, chemical and flammability safety
  • certificate according to EN 13209-2: 2016 Baby carriers
  • custom fabrics with safety certificate for children up to 3 years
  • buckles and straps from European suppliers certified to the strictest chemical and mechanical safety standards Oeko-Tex® Standard 100.
The package includes
  • the carrier
  • two protective covers for shoulder straps
  • hood for securing the head while sleeping
  • practical backpack for carrying the carrier

Material Care


50 % linen, 50 % combed cotton

Before first use

We recommend washing the carrier before first use, not only for hygiene reasons, but also for the fabric wrap around the paddings on the waist belt and shoulder straps properly.

The wrap fabric for the carriers is woven from yarns that have undergone a very gentle dyeing process to make them suitable for children under the age of three. Excess colour may therefore be washed out during the first washings. Wash the carrier alone or with related colours.

How to wash the carrier properly?

Loosen all buckles on the carrier so that the back panel is stretched as far as possible. At the same time, fasten all buckles.

For washing, use a liquid washing gel without optical brighteners. Do not use fabric softener, it can coat the fibres and make the material slippery.

You can put the carrier in a protective bag for delicate laundry. Wash the carrier on the gentle or hand wash programme at 40 degrees at a lower speed (800).

Newer washing machines that have a sensor to distribute the laundry evenly in the drum may not wring out the carrier sufficiently. If this happens to you, we recommend adding a pair of towels in a similar colour to the carrier and repeating the rinse and wring programme.


Dry the carrier loosely spread out or hanging, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Don't put the carrier in the dryer - you could damage the foams in the fillings and the synthetic straps.


The carrier does not need to be ironed, it will soften by wearing, but if you choose to iron, avoid areas with padding, straps, snaps and buckles.

Carrier storage

You can hang the carrier on a hanger or pack it according to these instructions.


To make it even easier for you, we decided to create Wearing Academywhere we've gathered all our videos, gadgets, tips and tricks so that you'll never be surprised by anything and you'll be able to cope with everything. The Academy is open to everyone - just sign up. You'll find videos on tying your scarf, setting up your carrier, the most common mistakes and how to easily fix them, or videos on wearing and contact and why it's important. Over time, we will also add webinars with experts on child development or other interesting content.

Of course, we are always here for you, if you can't figure out anything - drop us a line on our FB, Instagram or email, we are fully at your disposal.

You can also find basic video tutorials here :)

Front Carry tutorial

Back Carry Tutorial

Babywearing mistakes and how to fix them

Unpacking the carrier

Carrier as a hipseat

Breastfeeding in the carrier

About the ergonomic Sestrice Carrier and Sestrice Carrier Plus

Additional information

Weight N/A

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6 reviews for Linen Sestrice Carrier

5.0 Average Rating Rated ( 6 Reviews )

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  1. English


    Mam tento zakladny lanovy nosic vo farbe pure aloe a spicy brown (na striedacku). Velmi lahke nastavovanie, prakticka magneticka spona.

  2. English

    Barbora Blahová

    Pozitívum číslo jedna: Sestrice jednoznačne robia našich nosiacich mužov ešte viac neodolateľnými!!! 🥰😃

    A teraz vážne: Nosič je proste úžasný 🥰Sadol aj mne aj mužovi, pričom sa veľmi ľahko prestavuje z jednej osoby na druhú – čo bola naša požiadavka pri výbere vhodného nosiča.
    Rovnako sa ľahko prestavuje aj na nosenie na chrbte.
    Veľkým plusom je aj magnetická hrudná spona, nie je preto potreba krkolomne vykrúcať ruky pri zapínaní.
    Bedrák je pevnejší, čo ideálne rozkladá váhu dieťatka, nosením sa ešte aj viac poddá a prispôsobí sa nosiacemu – ani jedného z nás pri nosení netlačí.
    Porovnať našu ľanovú verziu s bavlnenou neviem, ale látka pri ľanovom nosiči po pár noseniach krásne zmäkkla a zároveň zostala pevná 🙂

    Okrem iného nám zachránil spolu so šatkami od Sestríc veľa kritických chvíľ, či už pri zúbkoch alebo chorobe, zjednodušil presuny na nedostupné miesta, príp. presuny z auta domov.
    Je to jednoducho najlepšia investícia.

  3. English


    Pred letom som zvažovala kúpu ľanového nosiča práve z dôvodu, aby malej ani mne v nosiči nebolo teplo, keďže sa nosíme naozaj často a v pláne bolo aj veľa výletov. A som maximálne spokojná. Nosič je krásny, funkčný a nazaj v lete nám obom bolo pri nosení príjemne. Obávala som sa ako sa ľan bude správať. Na začiatku sa mi zdal mierne tvrdší, oproti bavlne, ale teda už po prvých dvoch noseniach sa krásne uvoľnil a bol veľmi príjemný. Vôbec nás nikde ten materiál ani neškriabal, ako som sa obávala. Sestrice robia noazaj kvalitné a funkčné nosiče. 🙂 ďakujeme, že ste naše dni urobili vďaka nosiču príjemnejšími 🙂

  4. English

    Renáta Kollárová

    Námi moc milované a intenzivně využívané nosítko. U nás používané od 2,5 měsíce, ale dcerka byla hodně velká. Průměrně sedne od 3-4m. Rychle se zanosí a změkne a je prodyšnější a má zajimavější strukturu než bavlněná varianta. Na léto dokonalé, ale naprosto vhodné celoročně, i v zimě. Pevný bederní pás převezme váhu děťátka a uleví ramenám, takže i těžší děti se v něm nosí pohodlně. Jednoduché nastavení a nádherný vzhled.

  5. English

    Veronika Bédiová

    Carrier sme mali v niekoľkých dizajnoch, ale ľanový nás úplne dostal😍 ten materiál je proste skvelý. Samozrejme aj bavlnený je super a rovnako dobre poslúži, ale ľan má pre nás veľa plusov, ktoré z neho urobili pre nás top kúsok

  6. English


    Mala som uz tri nosice od Sestric, z toho dva lanove. Je to laska ❤️ z prveho dietata som plynule presla na nosenie druheho, a stale si to velmi uzivam. Aj dve ci tri hodinky zvladnem pri spravnom nastaveni, a to je casto na nezaplatenie. Lan mi ucaroval svojou strukturou a celkovym dojmom na dotyk, Sestrice mi ucarovali celou svojou tvorbou. Odporucam 👌

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